Sunday, October 29, 2023

Agile Methodology

Agile Methodology

Agile methodology is a project management approach that emphasizes collaboration and continuous improvement. It breaks projects into smaller phases, known as sprints, and guides teams through cycles of planning, execution, and evaluation.

Agile methodology is an iterative approach to software development. Each iteration takes a short time interval of 1 to 4 weeks. The agile development process is aligned to deliver the changing business requirement.

Agile methodology values:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation

The steps of the Agile methodology are:

  1. Define
  2. Design
  3. Build
  4. Test

The Agile methodology prioritizes:

  • Quick delivery
  • Adapting to change
  • Collaboration

The Agile methodology encourages:

  • Constant feedback
  • Team members to adjust to challenges as they arise
  • Stakeholders to communicate consistently

Agile Vs Waterfall


  • Approach: Iterative, adaptable, and flexible.
  • Planning: Incremental planning; changes are welcome at any stage.
  • Testing: Integrated with development; continuous feedback.
  • Client Involvement: Frequent collaboration and feedback.
  • Documentation: Emphasizes working software over extensive documentation.
  • Risk Management: Addresses risks early; adjustments made as needed.


  • Approach: Sequential, rigid, and linear.
  • Planning: Detailed planning upfront; changes discouraged once the project starts.
  • Testing: Separate phase after development.
  • Client Involvement: Limited involvement mainly at the beginning and end.
  • Documentation: Emphasizes comprehensive documentation at every stage.
  • Risk Management: Risks addressed primarily in the planning phase; limited adjustments during execution.

When to Use Agile and When to Use Waterfall

Use Agile When:

  1. Requirements are unclear or likely to change: Agile is highly adaptable and works well when you expect evolving or uncertain project requirements.
  2. Rapid development is required: Agile allows for quick delivery of working features or products, making it suitable for projects with tight timelines.
  3. Frequent client or stakeholder involvement is essential: Agile encourages continuous collaboration and feedback, making it ideal when clients or stakeholders need to be closely involved.
  4. You have a small to medium-sized team: Agile teams tend to be smaller and work well in a more collaborative and communicative environment.
  5. You are developing software or digital products: Agile is commonly used in the software development industry, where changes and iterative development are the norm.

Use Waterfall When:

  1. Requirements are stable and well-defined: Waterfall is suitable for projects with clear, unchanging requirements where a detailed plan can be established at the start.
  2. Client demands extensive documentation: Some industries or clients may require comprehensive documentation, which is a strength of the Waterfall approach.
  3. You have a larger team: Waterfall can work efficiently with larger teams where tasks can be divided into specialized phases.
  4. Regulatory or compliance requirements are strict: In industries like healthcare or finance, where adherence to regulations is crucial, Waterfall's structured documentation can be an advantage.
  5. You have a well-established and controlled project environment: If your organization is more traditional and has a history of success with Waterfall, it may be more comfortable sticking to this methodology.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Understanding IPv4 Address Types

Understanding IPv4 Address Types

1. Loopback Addresses

Range: - Used for local testing.

Loopback addresses ensure network software works on the local machine without network traffic.

2. Private IP Addresses

Ranges: 192.168.x.x, 10.x.x.x, 172.16.x.x - 172.31.x.x. Reserved for private networks.

Private IP addresses facilitate internal communication within organizations, not accessible from the internet.

3. Link-Local Addresses

Range: 169.254.x.x. Automatically assigned for local network communication.

Link-local addresses come into play when devices can't obtain an IP address through DHCP.

4. Multicast Addresses

Range: 224.x.x.x - 239.x.x.x. Used for one-to-many communication.

Multicast addresses enable efficient data distribution to multiple recipients simultaneously.

5. Broadcast Address

Typically Broadcast to all devices on the local network.

The broadcast address is a way to send data to all devices on the same network segment.

6. Public Point-to-Point IPv4 Addresses

Any address outside the above ranges is a public IP for internet communication.

Public IPs are used for global internet communication between individual devices.

The InetAddress API helps classify IP addresses for network programming.

The Beauty of the Sine Wave: What It Teaches Us

The Beauty of the Sine Wave: What It Teaches Us

The sine wave is a fascinating thing that captures the attention of many. It's a simple, elegant, and common concept in the worlds of physics, engineering, and math. But it's more than just numbers and equations; it helps us understand how things are created and sometimes go away.

The Sine Wave: A Math Wonder

A sine wave, also called a sinusoidal wave, is a math idea that describes something going up and down in a smooth, repeating way. It's written like this:

f(x) = A sin(Bx + C)

What does that mean? Well:

  • (A) says how high the wave can go.
  • (B) tells us how fast it goes up and down.
  • (C) decides where the wave starts.
What's amazing is how this simple equation can explain so many things in our world.

Everywhere in Nature

The sine wave isn't just a math idea; it's all around us in nature:

  1. Light and Sound Waves: It helps us understand how colors and sounds work.
  2. Planets' Paths: Planets move like sine waves in the sky, going around the sun.
  3. Ocean Waves: The gentle rise and fall of ocean waves look like sine waves.
  4. Electromagnetic Waves: Think of it like Wi-Fi signals or your cell phone connecting to the internet.
  5. Heartbeats and Brainwaves: Our hearts and brains follow a kind of sine wave pattern too!

Sine Waves in Our Tech

This math concept is crucial in technology:

  1. Electricity: Our homes and devices run on something called alternating current (AC), which is a sine wave. It's super efficient for sending power.
  2. Signal Magic: For things like radio and TV, sine waves help send information wirelessly.
  3. Music: The sweet sounds we hear from instruments and singers are like sine waves.
  4. Engineering: When buildings or machines shake and vibrate, we use sine waves to figure out how.

The Big Idea

The sine wave isn't just about math; it teaches us something big. It shows how things are created and then sometimes go away. Imagine it like a never-ending cycle, like day and night, good times and bad, or growing and shrinking. It's a reminder of how everything has its ups and downs, and that's just the way of life.


The sine wave is more than just numbers and equations. It's all around us, from the electricity that powers our homes to the music that soothes our souls. It's a simple idea with a profound message: creation and destruction are part of a beautiful, never-ending cycle, and the sine wave helps us understand that better.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Reverse Engineering vs. Reinventing the Wheel: A Smarter Approach

Reverse Engineering vs. Reinventing the Wheel: A Smarter Approach

Innovation and progress are at the heart of technological advancement, but they don't always require starting from scratch. Reverse engineering, the process of dissecting and understanding existing solutions, offers several advantages over reinventing the wheel:

  1. Maximizing Efficiency: It saves time and resources by building on existing foundations.
  2. Learning from the Best: Reverse engineering successful solutions provides valuable insights and best practices.
  3. Cost-Effective Innovation: It's a budget-friendly approach, ideal for startups and small businesses.
  4. Legal and Ethical Benefits: When done ethically and legally, it avoids potential legal disputes.
  5. Reducing Environmental Impact: Reusing and repurposing existing technology minimizes waste.

In a world where innovation is essential, reverse engineering complements the pursuit of new ideas, making it a valuable tool for progress.

ChatGPT in Software Engineering industry

About ChatGPT and AI in Software Development

ChatGPT is a groundbreaking AI tool developed by OpenAI that's designed to assist software engineers. It can do several things:

  • Code Generation: ChatGPT can instantly generate code snippets, functions, or even entire code blocks in various programming languages. This saves developers time they'd otherwise spend searching for examples or writing code from scratch.
  • Coding Assistance: It provides quick and accurate responses to coding questions. Whether it's troubleshooting an error or seeking guidance on a particular concept, ChatGPT offers valuable insights, potentially saving developers hours of frustration.
  • Adaptation: ChatGPT learns and adapts to a developer's coding style and preferences over time. This personalized assistance leads to more relevant code suggestions and answers.

While ChatGPT is a powerful tool, it's important to note that it's meant to complement, not replace, software engineers. It can handle routine and repetitive tasks, boosting productivity, but it lacks the critical thinking and problem-solving skills that human developers bring to the table.

Advantages of Using AI in Software Development

  • Efficiency: Automation of tasks like code generation and testing saves time and effort.
  • Accuracy: AI can analyze vast data sets to identify patterns and trends, leading to more precise results and predictions.
  • Collaboration: AI tools facilitate communication and collaboration among team members, streamlining workflows.
  • Flexibility: AI adapts to changing requirements and workflows more easily than traditional tools.
  • Security: AI can detect and prevent security vulnerabilities, enhancing software reliability.
  • Scalability: AI handles large data and processing tasks efficiently, ideal for large projects.
  • Creativity: AI aids developers in generating innovative ideas and solutions.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Automation reduces labor costs and project expenses.

In summary, ChatGPT is a remarkable tool for software engineers, offering coding assistance and boosting productivity. However, it's not a replacement for human developers. AI's role in software development is to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and creativity while freeing up developers to focus on more complex and creative aspects of their work.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

How to fix Git repeatedly requesting user credentials?

 When you engage with a remote repository via HTTPS URLs through the command line, you'll inevitably encounter prompts for your GitHub username and password. This can be rather frustrating, wouldn't you agree?

Nevertheless, there are some notable advantages to using an HTTPS remote URL: it's considerably simpler to configure compared to SSH 😅, and it typically circumvents the restrictions imposed by stringent firewalls and proxies. However, it does come with the drawback of incessantly requesting your GitHub user credentials whenever you perform a repository pull or push 😞.

Fortunately, there's a way to rectify this predicament by configuring Git to handle your password for you. Here's the step-by-step solution:

1. Update the origin remote URL to use SSH instead of HTTPS:

   git remote set-url origin

   Or, for those who prefer an alternative approach:

2. Configure Git to store your username and password, effectively eliminating the need for manual entry:

   git config --global credential.helper store

3. If you want to take it a step further and cache your credentials for a session, you can use:

   git config --global credential.helper cache

4. Optionally, you can set a specific timeout for the credential cache to enhance security:

   git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=600'

Voilà! You've successfully resolved the issue, and from this point onward, Git won't pester you for your credentials anymore. 😄

Thursday, June 29, 2023

How to Use Git LFS for Files Larger than 100MB on GitHub

How to Use Git LFS for Files Larger than 100MB on GitHub

If you're working on a GitHub repository and need to handle files larger than 100MB, Git LFS (Large File Storage) is the solution. Git LFS allows you to manage and version large files efficiently. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to use Git LFS for files exceeding 100MB on GitHub.

Step 1: Install Git LFS

To get started, you need to install Git LFS on your local machine. Open your terminal and run the following command:

sudo apt-get install git-lfs

Step 2: Navigate to Your Repository

Change your working directory to the location of your Git repository:

cd path_to_your_repo

Step 3: Initialize Git LFS

Before you can start using Git LFS for large files, you need to initialize it for your repository:

git lfs install

Step 4: Specify File Types for Git LFS

Tell Git LFS which file types you want to manage. For example, if you want to use Git LFS for files with the extensions .tflite and .apk, run the following commands:

git lfs track "*.tflite"
git lfs track "*.apk"

Step 5: Stage and Commit Your Changes

Now that Git LFS is set up for the specified file types, add your files to the staging area and commit them. Replace "added file above 100MB with lfs" with an appropriate commit message:

git add .
git commit -am "added file above 100MB with lfs"

Step 6: Push to GitHub

Finally, push your changes to your GitHub repository:

git push origin main

That's it! You've successfully configured Git LFS to manage files larger than 100MB in your GitHub repository. These steps will help you keep your repository organized and prevent large files from bloating your Git history.

Git LFS is a powerful tool for handling large files in Git, and it ensures that your repositories remain efficient and manageable. Now you can work with large assets in your projects on GitHub with ease.